What is a Relationship Gym?
All relationships change over time, just as we do. Compass helps you distinguish the difference between changes in life and changes in love.

We often maintain what we think is a happy relationship by ignoring our early trivial differences. Eventually this becomes habitual. Many relationship habits that we consider to be ok actually cause us harm. For instance, the advice: “some things you discuss with your friends, but not your partner” can be considered wise, but is it really? At Compass, we talk about these very things.


An eye-opening insightful look at relationships via an online workout designed to be carried out at your own pace in your own time. You will receive a download link directly after purchase.

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Along with one of our advisors, you can take a closer look at your relationship, find out where you are and see how you can get to where you want to be. You can do this alone or with your partner. Download our app to access this service (coming soon).

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Get your own personal relationship advisor to chat to online about anything that is on your mind. You can chat to your advisor for as long as you wish, from anywhere, at any time, as many times as you like. Download our app to access this service (coming soon).

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“Measure your relationship by how carefree you can be, not how careful you need to be.”

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